First iterative platform for lean
personnel search

JoinLap is a team approach to the organization of the search process for employees, created specifically for operational work with a pool of vacancies in a tight time frame.

We divide the search into small tasks with different meaning, weight and

This significantly reduces the impact of the success of individual tasks on the final search result.

Two weeks is the term of searching for professionals
for your project.

We love our work and always take a responsible attitude towards the observance of all stages of the aligned process during the iteration.

Our team can become the supplier of almost all the procedural values of the direction of recruiting for
your project.

Now you can evaluate the search state and the
intermediate results at any
time. Only answers. We are not a black box.

Our solutions

We have developed our methods of work, which include iterative, team focus, role-sharing, task decomposition and full openness for you at any time.

Joining our team framework, you get a working command algorithm for the operational search of IT professionals.

Our main working from is a lap. Two-week iteration, during which we implement for you all the recruiting procedures for your vacancy pool. Our team framework is easily built into your methodology of work.

A great solution if you start, grow faster or reorganize and need to quickly find the whole team or a lot of professionals for the your project now.

Start new Lap!

Your good choice if you need several professionals for your project now or from time to time.

Leave a request

In addition to the implementation of procedural team search, our specialists are ready to completely close your needs in qualitative selection of personnel in key IT directions in the traditional mode. At the same time recruiters try to always be in touch and react promptly to any changes.

Our distributed team soecializes in finding IT personnel. We successfully execute projects of search of programmers from Junior to Senior and Lead, IT managers, experts in the field of digital marketing and e-commerce.

Our recruiters are ready to solve the most difficult tasks to find and skill assessment IT professionals for your team, regardless of the geography and language of the project.

Work with us

JoinLap is a team of like-minded people, united by the idea of procedural search for IT professionals. We are not localized in one office, but are equally effective, because we adhere to a flexible and fully team work.

We are not localized in one office, but are equally effective, because we adhere to a flexible and fully team work.

In our work, we certainly transfer responsibility for the success of each recruiting project from an individual specialist to the team. So the result will not be influeced by chance.

We are a team. And we can always count on team results.

If you are ready to admit that the team doesn’t have leaders and wingmen, and the role of a recruiter-communicator is also important as the role of a researcher, content specialist, facilitator, or technical skills assessment specialist, we will be glad to meet with you.

Why don't we all switch roles?

Our project will seem interesting to you if you are an advanced recruiter or want to become one, and at the same time you don't have time to completely immerse yourself in individual projects or to search for customers.

Freedom is very important to us, and we welcome both long-term cooperation and people who are willing to join only some iterations.

On top of everything else perhaps the best mate in the universe

For candidates

Our principles of work do not imply the sale of access to databases with candidates or the continuous collection of personal information about them.

We proceed from the fact that each
new search project contains critical individual conditions, and strive to find full compliance with the expectations of both the company and the candidate
at a certain point in time.

In addition, we cannot always publish vacancies in the public domain if the product creation stage does not imply publicity.

Nevertheless, if you want us to get in touch with a very, very interesting individual job proposal one day, you can send us your CV. Do not expect a huge amount of spam and irrelevant vacancies, we respect the plans and ambitions of people who are immersed in their current projects.

We work with IT projects in such areas as fintech, bigdata, enterprise, gamedev, loT, R&D, web and mobile development, QA, infastructure development and product management without reference to geography.

Send a resume

Feel free to contact us. Ask your questions, give wishes, make proposals and make price inquiries in a form below or our emails.
